Daffa Andika Zain


I am an undergraduate student majoring in information systems at Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Jakarta who has an interest in fields related to Data, Business, and Design. Have good communication skills, can work with a team, have high curiosity, detail-oriented, and highly motivated to learn new skills to be able to develop my abilities and potential.

I have some experience using Microsoft Office, Figma, Canva, draw.io, MySql, PostgreSQL, SQLserver, Python Jupyter notebook, google colab, google sheets or excel and BI Tools like Tableau, Pentaho.

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Data Analyst Project

PROJECT 1 - ANALYSIS OF SALES IN SUPERMARKETS USING ASSOCIATION RULES METHOD WITH APRIORI ALGORITHM PROJECT Data science or data science has many applications in various industries including the retail industry, namely supermarkets. As an illustration in this case study to get information about the best performance of products from supermarket companies, we use the Apriori algorithm, so it is hoped that later the application of the “Association Rule Method Using the Apriori Algorithm” will predict product demand patterns, trends, and business opportunities such as increasing profits and sales where the results can be used to improve development, sales, and marketing in supermarkets.

PROJECT 2 - MARKET RESEARCH, RECOMMENDATION, AND VISUALIZATION TECHNIQUE FOR BUSINESS DECISION PROJECT A shop selling various sports needs such as jackets, clothes, bags and shoes. This store started selling in 2013, so it has had regular customers for a long time, and is still trying to get new customers to this day.

In early 2019, the store’s manager recruited a junior DA to help solve a problem at his store, which was a decrease in returning customers to his store. The Junior DA was entrusted with processing the store’s transaction data. The store manager defines that a customer is no longer called a customer (churn) when he has not made any transactions at his store until the last 6 months from the last available data update.

The store manager also provides transaction data from 2013 to 2019 in the form of csv (comma separated value) with data_retail.csv with a total of 100,000 rows of data.

PROJECT 3 - CLASSIFICATION DATA ANALYSIS USING PySpark CASE STUDY: Brain Stroke Dataset Stroke is a medical condition in which poor blood flow to the brain causes cell death. There are two main types of stroke, namely ischemic and hemorrhagic, ischemic is caused by a lack of blood flow, while hemorrhagic is caused by bleeding. Both types of stroke both cause parts of the brain to stop functioning properly. Signs and symptoms of stroke are inability to move, difficulty understanding or speaking, dizziness, loss of vision on one side, etc. These symptoms will appear when this stroke recurs. In this case study, we classify patients who are indicated to have brain stroke based on the factors that the patient suffers from.

Github Data Analyst Project